Welcome to 'Global Public Life', an open forum extending the discussions and debates that the academic, peer-reviewed journals Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society (and associated Theory, Culture & Society Book Series) have been fostering in social and cultural theory, along with the wider social sciences and humanities, for over four decades.
Finn Mackay on Radical Feminism
David Theo Goldberg on Wallcraft: The Politics of Walling
Rob Shields and Andriko Lozowy on Mashup
Johanna Oksala on Foucault, Marx and Neoliberal Subjects
Review: Büscher, Dressler and Fletcher, ‘Nature™ Inc. Environmental Conservation in the Neoliberal Age’
Reviewed by Tiago Freitas
Review: Graham Harman, ‘Bruno Latour: Reassembling the Political’
Reviewed by Conor Heaney
Richard G. Smith on Satellites and Cities from Space
Review: Stuart Elden, ‘The Birth of Territory’
Reviewed by Dennis Crow
Ulrich Beck and Japan
By Kiyoshi Abe
Scott Lash remembers Ulrich Beck
The Aesthetics of Algorithms: An Interview with Carolyn L. Kane
Interviewed by David Beer
Carolyn Pedwell on Empathy, Accuracy and Transnational Politics
Simone M. Hüning: Criminalizing Poverty and Fragmenting the City in Brazil
Gurminder Bhambra on The Society of Equals (Part Two)
James Burton on Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth
Video: Jane Ribbens McCarthy and Raia Prokhovnik on Embodied Relationality and Caring after Death
Review: Pierre Dardot & Christian Laval, ‘The New Way of the World: On Neoliberal Society’
Reviewed by Emanuele Leonardi
Video: Mark Harvey on Food, Energy & Climate Change
Video: Joanna Latimer & Mara Miele on Naturecultures
Review: Caroline Knowles, ‘Flip-Flop: A Journey through Globalisation’s Backroads’
Reviewed by Vicki Dabrowski