Welcome to 'Global Public Life', an open forum extending the discussions and debates that the academic, peer-reviewed journals Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society (and associated Theory, Culture & Society Book Series) have been fostering in social and cultural theory, along with the wider social sciences and humanities, for over four decades.
Review: Lisa Lowe, ‘The Intimacies of Four Continents’
Reviewed by John Holmwood
Video: Simon Dalby on Anthropocene Formations: Environmental Security, Geopolitics and Disaster
Video: Monique Tschofen on The Denkbild (‘Thought-Image’) in the Age of Digital Reproduction
Video: Andrea Fumagalli and Stefano Lucarelli on Finance, Austerity and Commonfare
Video: Peng Yu on Zones of Indeterminacy: Art, Body and Politics in Daoist Thought
In Conversation: Thomas Pinketty and Mike Savage
Neoliberation: The Self in the Era of New Media
Is liberation passé?
Review: Michel Foucault, ‘On the Government of the Living’
Reviewed by Sophie Fuggle
Video: John Urry on Offshore Worlds and Social Futures
Rob Stones on News, Current Affairs, Audiences and Social Theorists
Video: Rosa Vasilaki on the Politics of Postsecular Feminism
Patricia Mooney Nickel on Culture, Politics and Governing
Video: Katrin Tiidenberg and Edgar Gómez Cruz on Selfies, Image and the Body
Review: Seyed Javad Miri, ‘Islamism and Post-Islamism: Reflections upon Allama Jafari’s Political Thought’
Reviewed by Sara Tafakori
Les Back: How Blue Can You Get? B.B. King, Planetary Humanism and the Blues Behind Bars (Part Two)
Video: Emily Cohen on Disciplining Pain and Masculinity
Les Back: How Blue Can You Get? B.B. King, Planetary Humanism and the Blues Behind Bars (Part One)
Review: Rob Kitchin, ‘The Data Revolution’
Reviewed by David Moats
Review: Félix Guattari, ‘Machinic Eros: Writings on Japan’
Reviewed by Dario Lolli
‘Getting By: Estates, Class and Culture in Austerity Britain’: An Interview with Dr. Lisa McKenzie
Interviewed by Vicki Dabrowski