Simon Dawes
Interview with Thomas Kemple and Austin Harrington on Simmel
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Celia Lury, Luciana Parisi and Tiziana Terranova on Topologies
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Adrian Mackenzie and Theo Vurdubakis on Code and Crisis
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Sindre Bangstad on Saba Mahmood
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Lesley A. Sharp
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Stephanie Merchant
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Ben Carrington on ‘Race, Sport and Politics’
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Boris Groys
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Hannah Abdullah and Matthias Benzer on Boris Groys
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Mark Davis on the Bauman Institute
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Stephen J. Collier on Foucault, Assemblages and Topology
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Ayelet Zohar and Ibrahim Nubani: Interview and Images
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Lucy Pickering on Toilets and Embodied Material Culture
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Yuk Hui on Digital Objects
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Gurminder Bhambra on Colonialism, Empire and Slavery
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Ash Amin on the Responses to his Article on Racism
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Couze Venn on Ash Amin and Racism
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Jennifer Bajorek and Erin Haney on Bamako
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
Interview with Jennifer Bajorek on Photography and the State
Interview with David Macey on Fanon, Foucault and Race
Interviewed by Simon Dawes
TCS E-Special Issues
Judith Butler, edited by Elena Loizidou
Pierre Bourdieu, edited by Derek Robbins
Ulrich Beck, edited by Gabe Mythen
Zygmunt Bauman, edited by Thomas Campbell, Mark Davis, Austin Harrington & Jack Palmer
John Urry, edited by Mimi Sheller
Complexity, edited by Oliver Human
B&S Special Issues
Symmetries of Touch: Reconsidering Tactility in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing, edited by Rebekka Ladewig & Henning Schmidgen
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World, edited by Andrew Russell & Rebecca Oxley
The Body in Pain: A Re-engagement, edited by Leila Dawney & Timothy J Huzar
Skin Matters: Thinking Through the Body’s Surfaces, edited by Marc Lafrance
Indeterminate Bodies, edited by Claire Waterton & Kathryn Yusoff
Surveillance and Embodiment: Dispositifs of Capture, edited by Martin French & Gavin JD Smith