Welcome to 'Global Public Life', an open forum extending the discussions and debates that the academic, peer-reviewed journals Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society (and associated Theory, Culture & Society Book Series) have been fostering in social and cultural theory, along with the wider social sciences and humanities, for over four decades.
Review: Beatriz Aldana Marquez, ‘From the Peaceable to the Barbaric’
Reviewed by Ana Cristina Ramírez Barreto
Review: Elizabeth Goodstein, ‘Georg Simmel and the Disciplinary Imaginary’
Reviewed by Mark Featherstone
Review: Heinrich Popitz, ‘Phenomena of Power: Authority, Domination, and Violence’
Reviewed by Austin Harrington
Review: Zygmunt Bauman, ‘Retrotopia’
Reviewed by Zeger Polhuijs
Moving with John Urry, by Mimi Sheller
A Mobile Life: John Urry, 1946-2016
By Peter Adey
John Urry (1946-2016)
Video: John Urry on Offshore Worlds and Social Futures
Les Back: How Blue Can You Get? B.B. King, Planetary Humanism and the Blues Behind Bars (Part Two)
Les Back: How Blue Can You Get? B.B. King, Planetary Humanism and the Blues Behind Bars (Part One)
Video: Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson & Helen Owton on Intense Embodiment
Beck in Brazil by Rodrigo Constante Martins
The future of affect theory: An interview with Margaret Wetherell
Interviewed by David Beer
William Outhwaite on Habermas and Historical Materialism
Interview with Thomas Kemple and Austin Harrington on Simmel
Interviewed by Simon Dawes