Jürgen Habermas & the Digital Transformation of the Political Public Sphere
By Rainer Winter and Sunil Manghani
TCS Special Issue: ‘A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere?’
Edited by Martin Seeliger and Sebastian Sevignani
Think-Piece: The Neglected Intellectual Legacy of '1968'
Couze Venn reflects on the 50th anniversary of May '68
Video: Sebastian Raza on ‘An Interview with Wendy Brown: Redoing the Demos?’
Review: Wendy Brown, ‘Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution’
Reviewed by Nicholas Gane
Review: Seyed Javad Miri, ‘Islamism and Post-Islamism: Reflections upon Allama Jafari’s Political Thought’
Reviewed by Sara Tafakori
Samuel Burgum and A.N.Onymous on Rancière and Occupy
Video: Renate Holub on Intellectuals and Information Capitalism
Interviewed by Yuk Hui
TCS E-Special Issues
Judith Butler, edited by Elena Loizidou
Pierre Bourdieu, edited by Derek Robbins
Ulrich Beck, edited by Gabe Mythen
Zygmunt Bauman, edited by Thomas Campbell, Mark Davis, Austin Harrington & Jack Palmer
John Urry, edited by Mimi Sheller
Complexity, edited by Oliver Human
B&S Special Issues
Symmetries of Touch: Reconsidering Tactility in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing, edited by Rebekka Ladewig & Henning Schmidgen
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World, edited by Andrew Russell & Rebecca Oxley
The Body in Pain: A Re-engagement, edited by Leila Dawney & Timothy J Huzar
Skin Matters: Thinking Through the Body’s Surfaces, edited by Marc Lafrance
Indeterminate Bodies, edited by Claire Waterton & Kathryn Yusoff
Surveillance and Embodiment: Dispositifs of Capture, edited by Martin French & Gavin JD Smith