Video: Ilaria Riccioni and Jeffrey A. Halley on 'Pussy Riot as a Feminist Avant-Garde'

Ilaria Riccioni and Jeffrey A. Halley introduce their Theory, Culture & Society article ‘Performance as Social Resistance: Pussy Riot as a Feminist Avant-Garde


This article describes the short but remarkable sociopolitical life of the Russian rock group Pussy Riot. The group became famous in 2012 not only for the political content of its performances but for its transgressive performativity: its violation of established public settings and its creation of disturbing anti-authoritarianism images of today’s official Russia. The analysis aims to establish Pussy Riot as part of an avant-garde movement and as a radicalization of the very idea of the avant-garde against the familiarity of the public aspect of everyday life. Public ‘normalcy’ reveals itself to be complicit in that what should be criticized is instead taken for granted, and legitimized. Pussy Riot is a new art avant-garde in terms of both how it relates to activism, social justice, feminism, and art, and to the general public, not only to the art world.

Additional Material about Pussy Riot


Video: Jim Vernon on 'Huey Newton’s Lessons for the Academic Left'


Review: Erich Hörl, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, and Lotte Warnsholdt (eds.), ‘Critique and the Digital’