Welcome to 'Global Public Life', an open forum extending the discussions and debates that the academic, peer-reviewed journals Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society (and associated Theory, Culture & Society Book Series) have been fostering in social and cultural theory, along with the wider social sciences and humanities, for over four decades.
Video: Qiaoyu Cai on ‘The Cultural Politics of Artificial Intelligence in China'
Review: Richard Overy, ‘Why War?’
Reviewed by Henry Powell
Journal News: Annual Review
Video: Ilan Kapoor on 'Intersectionality, Decoloniality, Indigenous Localism: A Critique’
Thanks to Reviewers
Video: Claudia Firth on 'Neoliberalism’s Persistence and the Struggle for What Comes After'
Review: Anon Collective (eds.), ‘Book of Anonymity’
Reviewed by Gary T. Marx
Video: Luca Serafini on ‘From Institutions to the Platform Society: An Interdisciplinary Reading of Recent Works by Roberto Esposito’
Review: María Angélica Thumala Olave (ed.), ‘The Cultural Sociology of Reading: The Meanings of Reading and Books Across the World’
Reviewed by Muhammad Khairul, Muhammad Syahid, Fajar Alamin and Akhmad Ridlo
Video: Alex Alvarez Taylor on ‘Interview with Werner Bonefeld: Open Marxism and the Critique of Society’
Review: Adriana Zaharijević, ‘Judith Butler and Politics’
Reviewed by Nina Perger
Review: N. Ingram, A. Bathmaker, J. Abrahams, L. Bentley, H. Bradley, T. Hoare, V. Papafilippou and R. Waller, ‘The Degree Generation: The Making of Unequal Graduate Lives’
Reviewed by Sixian Hah
Review: Howard Feather, ‘Social Theory of Displacement: Adventures in the Everyday’
Reviewed by Paul Clements
Video: Daniel Jaster on ‘Rethinking Critical Sociology, Transcending the Transcendental’
Review: Luca Mavelli, ‘Neoliberal Citizenship: Sacred Markets, Sacrificial Lives’
Reviewed by Dimitra Kotouza
TCS E-Special Issue: Judith Butler
Edited by Elena Loizidou
Journal News: March 2024
Journal News: November 2023
Video: Miranda P. Dotson on ‘Engineering the Skin: Embodied Experiences of Healing from Acne Among YouTube Vloggers’
Review: Natasha Lushetich, Iain Campbell and Dominic Smith (eds.), ‘Contingency and Plasticity in Everyday Technologies’
Reviewed by Ole Thijs
Journal News: Annual Review
TCS Special Issues
Against Ontology: Chinese Thought and François Jullien, edited by Scott Lash and Shiqiao Li
Foucault before the Collège de France, edited by Stuart Elden, Orazio Irrera and Daniele Lorenzini
A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere?, edited by Martin Seeliger & Sebastian Sevignani
Solid Fluids, edited by Tim Ingold & Cristián Simonetti
Post-Neoliberalism?, edited by William Davies & Nicholas Gane
Problematizing the Problematic, edited by Martin Savransky
From the Archive
James Ash on Affective Transmission (2004)
Marcelo Hoffman on Heliana de Barros Conde Rodrigues: Michel Foucault in Brazil (2017)
Rosi Braidotti: ‘Posthuman, All Too Human: Towards a New Process Ontology’ (2006)
TCS E-Special Issues
Judith Butler, edited by Elena Loizidou
Pierre Bourdieu, edited by Derek Robbins
Ulrich Beck, edited by Gabe Mythen
Zygmunt Bauman, edited by Thomas Campbell, Mark Davis, Austin Harrington & Jack Palmer
John Urry, edited by Mimi Sheller
Complexity, edited by Oliver Human
TCS Book Series
'Killer Cities', Nigel Thrift
'From Being to Living' (De l'Être au Vivre), François Jullien
'After Capital', Couze Venn
'Sociology of the Sacred', Philip A Mellor, Chris Shilling
'Understanding the Chinese City', Li Shiqiao
'The Consumer Society', Jean Baudrillard
B&S Special Issues
Symmetries of Touch: Reconsidering Tactility in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing, edited by Rebekka Ladewig & Henning Schmidgen
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World, edited by Andrew Russell & Rebecca Oxley
The Body in Pain: A Re-engagement, edited by Leila Dawney & Timothy J Huzar
Skin Matters: Thinking Through the Body’s Surfaces, edited by Marc Lafrance
Indeterminate Bodies, edited by Claire Waterton & Kathryn Yusoff
Surveillance and Embodiment: Dispositifs of Capture, edited by Martin French & Gavin JD Smith